25 March 2008

my "Body of Christ" art entry

on saturday night my church had a "Body of Christ" art show to start off the all-night prayer vigil before Easter. i entered a photo and poem piece. the image below is a digital shot of the framed piece - i'll try to update with a better image...

here I AM.

the Son of Man
did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give
His life.

God fashioned His own Son, knit Him together
in a woman’s womb.

the Son said, “here I AM.” submitted Himself,
emptied Himself, released His rights, took
them off like a robe, folding it calmly and
carefully, placing it gently
at His Father’s feet.

“I have come to do Your will, o God.”

and the Father is well-pleased with His Son.

and the Son of God became
the Son of Man. became
human. became

but first—

the Son of Man is going to suffer.
the Son of Man is going to be betrayed
into the hands of men.
the Son of Man will be betrayed
to the chief priests
and the teachers of the law.
the Son of Man will be handed over
to be crucified.

this Son of Man who said:

I AM the LIGHT of the world.
I AM the WAY.
I AM the BREAD of life.
I AM the true VINE.
I AM the GATE for the sheep.
I AM the good SHEPHERD.

this Son of Man
is going to suffer.

I AM the LIGHT of the world,” He says.
quiet enough you have to lean in, to hear Him.
No darkness! for whoever follows Him.
just light. light forever. even the darkness
will not be dark to You.

I AM the WAY,” He says. the way to the Father. the way to truth.
the way to life. the only way. the lighted way. the Christ-with-you way.

I AM the BREAD of life,” He says. promising no more hunger.
taking it that one step further that makes you squirm and think
maybe you didn’t hear Him right because it sounds a little awkward.
this bread is My flesh” – and if you want life, you have to eat it.

He offers it freely for you. for me. for children and for sinners.
for the world. for your neighbour. your enemy. your boss.
for that person you can never quite make eye contact with. for
the you, you can never quite face.

this bread,
this Christ,
this Body – broken
for you
is life. even in death, is life.

I AM the true VINE,” He says.
and My Father, [He’s] the gardener.

the Father plants His Son in the earth. in among us.
He tends Him. and so big is His scope, that from Him,
from His Son, from His tending, we come. we are
the branches. us in Him brings all kinds of fruit.
us without Him? mere branches. dead ones. dry ones.

I AM the GATE for the sheep,” He says. the way to salvation
and safekeeping. the way to green pastures and still waters.

a good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
I AM the good SHEPHERD,” He says. “I know My sheep.
before a word is ever on their tongues. I will risk everything:
I lay down My life for the sheep.

and the Father is well-pleased with His Son.
and the Father is well-pleased.

for the Father so loves the world.
and the Son so loves the Father.
and greater love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for his friends.

and the Son calls us friends.

and the Son lays down His life.

and the Father is well-pleased.

[note: Scripture is in italics.
also, some of the layout doesn't come through in this format]